Partner Links

At Sapphire Games, we believe in the power of collaboration. We're excited to introduce our website backlink program, a fantastic opportunity for you to connect with us. In this program, we invite you to feature our link on your website, and in return, we'll proudly display a link to your website on ours. It's a win-win situation that can benefit both of us in many ways.

Why join our backlink program?

  • Boost Your SEO: Backlinks are crucial for search engine optimization (SEO). By exchanging links with us, you enhance your website's visibility in search engine rankings, making it easier for potential visitors to discover your content.

  • Increase Traffic: Backlinks can drive organic traffic to your site. When users click on the link to your website from ours, it increases the chances of attracting a relevant audience interested in your content.

  • Expand Your Network: Building backlinks is a great way to expand your online network. You'll not only improve your SEO but also create relationships with other website owners in your niche.

  • Get Noticed: By participating in our backlink program, you get noticed by our audience, which can lead to new opportunities and potential partnerships in the future.

Who can join this program?

Essentially everyone with a website on Google can join our program, as long as it is somehow related to gaming, programming or being creative. However we do not backlink any websites that contain or promote hate, discrimination, illegal activities, malicious content, explicit content, or copyright violations. Our goal is to build connections with websites that are reputable and that align with our values.

How to join our backlink program?

It's easy to join our backlink program, you just need to follow this easy step-by-step guid how to join it.

  1. Link Our Site: Put a link to our website on your on a public site, that is accessable by anyone and is shown on Google. You can use this link in html:
                <a href="" target="_blank" style="display: inline-flex; gap: 5px; align-items: center; background: black; text-decoration: none; padding: 10px; border-radius: 10px; font-family: Montserrat, Trebuchet MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans, Arial, sans-serif;">
                    <img src="" height="40px" width="40px">
                    <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
                        <span style="color: grey; font-weight: 200;">
                            Partnered with
                        <span style="color: white; font-weight: 700;">
                            Sapphire Games
  2. Reach Out To Us: Contact us via mail or discord (@glitchdev or server) and include a link to the exact site where the backlink is placed. You can also include a brief description of your website.

  3. Get Backlinked: These are all the steps to get a backlink by us, if you have any question you can always contact us.